
God IS love.

Sometimes I wonder just how much I truly love God. Yes, I am immensely grateful for who he is and what he has done for me. Yes, I am aware that he created my very being, knows my every thought, and has perfectly ordained every minute of my future. Yes, I realize that he is the Mighty King and Ruler over all, is omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent...
But do I love him?
This leads me to reflect on who I know that I love: I love my family, my friends, each person I have met on the street, the people of Africa, children, and the elderly. This morning it hit me: what I love about those people is God in them. I love having intimacy and understanding with my family, which comes from a God who knows my very core and gave me a family I could relate to. I love having fun and fellowship with my friends, which comes from a God who loves to see me laugh and knows exactly when I need encouragement. I love restoring value and worth to the people I serve on the streets, which comes from a God who has instilled a burning passion within me to love the unloved. I love the pure and unpolluted joy of the African people, which comes from a God who is the source of a supernatural joy that outlasts any situation. I love the uninhibited curiosity and innocent heart of a child, which comes from a God who is pure of heart and untainted by the world. I love the wisdom and sincerity of the elderly, which comes from a God who is the Father of time, the Alpha and Omega.
1 John 4:7-8 Dear Friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because
God is love.


Rae Rae said...

Britni Clarice...i love you so much. I really hate not having you be a constant part of my life anymore because i learned so much about God through you. But these blogs really help.
We've talked about this before-whether or not we are really capable of loving God as humans. Like, really loving him. But i have never thought about it in this way. I've been super convicted lately about seeing people as made in God's image and realizing that whatever i do to people around me i am ultimately doing to God. But this helps me even more. It's about finding those parts of them that are reflecting his image. I'm so happy that you have been able to find that in so many people.
I don't know why but I have been missing you so much more than usual lately. So many things are going on in my life and i want to tell you about them and get your advice and i hate that i haven't been doing that.
Just know that I am constantly thinking about you and praying for you.
And your dad....oh your dad. Talking to him seriously made my week. I hope you realize what an amazing dad you have been blessed with!
okay I dont know why i feel the need to ramble on these blog comments but i feel like its the only time i really get to talk to you!

Matt Trevorrow said...

Wow I don't think I've ever really thought about it that way before.... That's really good. So how do we truly love God? We love his people. "Whatever you did for the least of these you did for me." hmmm.....

Nate Probert said...
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Katie Rose said...

this is beautiful, I love your beautiful heart.