Lately I have been learning the significance of grace, and how truly essential it is to survival. Grace is more than just a 'Christianese' term sprinkled throughout the Word, and it's more than just a flowery characteristic of our God. It is a crucial part of the very essence of following Christ, as it enables us to love and receive love, and to step into the magnificent destiny our Father has called us to. Without receiving the grace that was offered to us on
God connected the dots for me recently when he revealed that the "life to the full" that is promised in John 10:10 ("The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.") is only truly available to those who have shed their dead skin of guilt and clothed themselves in grace. By the power of his grace, we ARE enough, it is just a matter of believing that and stepping into it.
Thank you to those who have challenged me and encouraged me to step into the woman that God has made me to be, by fully receiving his grace. You are true depictions of the love of God, and have shed light into the darkest areas of my life.

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